driver giordanomozzi, historic cars crew, vintage car race navigator, millemiglia

Crew |
Since always I drive the 90% of the race with my wife Stefania.
She's really clever and careful; a guarantee.
Personally, but I'm not the one, bear in mind she carry out all the complete navigator's duty (drive, split in two and count the OC), I considere her without any doubts one of the best navigator of the world, considering both men and women. By the way the results of our crew confirm it.
The best of herself certainly she gave it in the recent MilleMiglia (2011): since the beginning of the race to the end she was very concentrate, precise in her duties, motivated and tireless.
And not good just with her part.
Indeed she was able to manage very wisely my different tempers during the long and hard three race days, motivate me when I was tired and frustrated, relax me when I was too much nervous or leave me pour out when furious.
Practically she was perfect in everything.
Indeed, as I declare more than once in different circumstances from the prize-winning stage, our victory at the "most beautiful race in the world" (in this way Enzo Ferrari defined MilleMiglia) is thanks to her.
So I want to dedicate the victory to her: thanks Stefania.
At the beginning, from 2005 to 2007, I partecipate to the race navigating Guido Ceccardi, real friend, who then, for personal commitment, mainly for job matter, was obbliged to leave (but leaving me his cars...thanks Guido).
Changing roles in the car, we did again some races togheter, few actually. I hope always a little to come back to relive with him this wonderful experiences, exactly as the beginning.
The feeling will be the same as always and the desire to arrive higher in the rank at the end race will not certainly miss.
"Guidanji", your personal (top)driver is always ready...
In my heart I preserve in particular with great affections the two races which I did with my mother; yes, exactly with her, at the age of 75 she navigate me in the Italian Champioship in Avellino and in Milano Sanremo Cup in 2009.
And if someone believe my mother was just a passenger in the two races; it's doing a mistake: radar in her hand, she read the notes with attention and if she do a mistake, it happens, she was angry with herself. It was to see all the grit and the wants she has to do well; she became the symbol of the two demonstrations for all the partecipants.
In Avellino we drove with the Lancia Fulvia 1972 and we finished eighth, with a big mistake of passage mine (I auto-split in two), while we were fourth absolute; in the Milano Sanremo Cup we partecipate instead with Lancia Aprilia and we arrived sixth absolute, here too with my mistake in the Imperia's PC when we were third absolute.
To sum up, in both the races the navigator was good, the driver was to check.
As forget then the Trofeo Marco Magelli in 2009, Mantova's Asi race where I partecipate with the Lancia Aprilia navigate from the friend Gianni Rambo Freddi (important volleyball player from Mantova of the 80's/90's) with our sons as passengers Mattia (Tia) and Andrea (Jhonny).
We were occupied in a race in the race against my wife Stefania, which drove the Lancia Fulvia, navigate from the friend Katia and as passengers Arianna (Ari), our daughter.
In this familiar "girls vs boys" with the gloves off, we won, arriving in a good position in the general classification, with a fourth absolute (even with two position lose for my mistake in an auto-plit in two).
At the Sestriere Storico 2010, I had the honour instead, to be driven from my "first Master" Luciano Lui. I didn't make a good impression, I made too many mistaken passages, but we had so much fun, passing three beautiful days togheter.
Experinece I wish to repeat, without any doubts.
Master, when you want.
Another race I did I was navigated from Mattia, my son, while in other two I brought my friends, Leo and Mala.
Generally, and when possible, I like that friends and relatives live the emotion of regularity historic car race by my side: I'm so glad to do it for life pleasure, and I believe that the diffusion of this beautiful passion pass trough across this actions.